Security and fraud prevention

When it comes to banking, security always comes first. Read our tips about what you can do yourself for safe Banking at Handelsbanken.

Handelsbanken will never ask you to:

  • Transfer money to other accounts over the phone or in a text message (not even in an emergency!)
  • Send an employee to your home to pick up your bank card, card reader or pin codes
  • Send your bank card or card reader by post
  • Pass on passwords or other security codes by phone or text message
  • Access your computer or smartphone to install software or apps on your computer, tablet or smartphone

Do you feel something is wrong? Please contact our customer service

It is important to always report fraud. If you suspect that you are dealing with fraud, please contact our customer service:

0800 820 00 20 (free)
+31 20 412 77 92 (from abroad)

Do you suspect fraud? Always report fraud

Fraud can occur in various forms. It is important to report suspicious activities promptly. If you suspect fraud, please contact our customer service immediately.

Phone: 0800 820 00 20 (free within the Netherlands)
Phone: +31 20 412 77 92 (from abroad)

Opening hours
Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:00

For more information, visit: Opens in a new window Opens in a new window or Fraud: this is how it works (Dutch) Opens in a new window

WhatsApp fraud

With WhatsApp fraud, scammers use text messages to pretend to be a close friend who ask you to pay or lend money to them. Be alert as soon as a friend asks you to pay or transfer something via a text message, even if that message was sent from a known email address or mobile number.

If a son, daughter or other loved one asks via text message to pay or transfer something, do so only after you have spoken in person.
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Helpdesk fraud

With bank helpdesk fraud, scammers pose as bank employees. Although measures have been taken, scammers misuse the bank's name or phone number. The scammer is trying to gain your trust so that you make a payment.

Prevent these scammers from accessing your data and learn how to spot and prevent bank help desk fraud.  
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Phishing emails often ask for personal information, such as your username, password, account number or credit card number. Handelsbanken, or any other bank, will never ask for your details. Certainly not by e-mail.

Communication about your personal information is only through personal contact at your local office.  if you receive an email that you do not trust or send an email to

Five security rules

mevrouw met mobiel in handen
  1. Keep your security codes secret.
  2. Make sure that your debit card is never used by anyone else.
  3. Keep your computer updated and use an updated antivirus program.
  4. Check your bank account regularly.
  5. Report incidents directly to the bank and follow the bank’s instructions.